Although the Apex and Intensity may “look” similar, they are different.
Apex is a medical device that cures stress urinary incontinence. Stress urinary incontinence is any bladder leakage you may have when you laugh, sneeze, cough or exercise and is primarily caused by weak pelvic floor muscles.
Apex strengthens pelvic floor muscles (Kegels) quickly and efficiently in the privacy of your home, curing stress incontinence. Strong, healthy pelvic floor muscles provide many other benefits such as keeping your pelvic organs in place, prevention of bladder leakage, and improvement with intimacy for both you and your partner.
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Intensity 2.0
Intensity is not a medical device (so we cannot make any medical claims) but it is an Apex device with the addition of the external and internal clitoral vibrators. Intensity is made in the same manufacturing facility to the highest quality standards as our medical devices – not to mention that Intensity is also made with the same components as Apex including 100% medical grade silicone and stainless steel. Intensity is scientifically designed to assist women who have difficulty achieving satisfaction in intimate relationships.
Kegel exercises without the benefit of active resistance, simply do no good for your pelvic floor. Both Apex and Intensity provide active resistance and perform your Kegel exercises for you better than you can possibly achieve on your own.

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Madison Gulli, MS, MFT
Certified Clinical Sexologist
Las Vegas, NV

Madison Gulli, MS, MFT

I owe it to Intensity!